Anything that separates One from another is not the Truth.

Hi all. I received a key message from my Guides the other day and thought it was important to share with you all.

Anything that separates one from another is not the Truth

Have you noticed the world around you and how this affects all we do?

The more we seek inclusivity and equality for others the more we focus on our differences that set us apart; whether that is the color of a persons skin, their religion, their sexuality, their nationality or whatever it is we focus on. The world is so absorbed on creating more categories for everyone to fit into that it is dividing us even further apart creating a world where everything is so complicated with categories or labels that triggering of others unintentionally is a very common problem. This can create disharmony and chaos because of these categories, labels and beliefs. Some focus on the fact that others are different and use this as an excuse to breed hate or fear of other groups.

Instead of this we need to begin embracing and accepting the uniqueness of the individual yet also the commonalities that we all share as humans and come together. Seek to break down the barriers and categories we are so bound up in and instead focus on the commonalities we all share.

Focus on the good. Focus on our humanity, Focus on love for others. Its only when we stop treating others differently for anything that separates or divides us from one another that humanity will truly understand what it means to be human and find the answers that we seek. We create separation through labels or through our own action or inactions. In reality there is no separation.

Thanks for reading.

Love and Light to you all.



Welcome all.

While channeling last night I received an important message that my guides wanted you all to know. The message is short but important:

Discernment is a key thing in the times ahead. Learn to listen to your own inner self and know the truth for yourself. There are many that wish to manipulate you for their own ends. Listen and learn to discern the truth of all things for yourself.

Love yourself and be open to You!

Be trusting of your own intuitions as these are the things you should listen to at all times. Be present and aware of yourself and always trust your own instincts and intuitions over others.

Listen to you.

There are plenty of resources out there on discernment over many websites and on Youtube. If you need advise on good ones comment below or PM me and I’ll send you through some of my favorites.

Go in Peace.

Love and Light.